25 Jazzy Wedding Welcome Sign Ideas for Your Wedding


A wedding is somewhere your family gathers to celebrate you and your partner. As a host, you will try to perfect everything at the wedding. Making your guests and loved ones feel welcomed to an important event should not be a simple task but a priority. For those who want to create an unforgettable first impression, your best shot is at wedding signs. These are some of the first things that would capture the attention of your guests. There are many advantages to keeping a welcome sign. It helps the guests understand where the event takes place and guides them there. Also, you can give a vague idea of what the theme or style of the wedding will be by customizing your wedding sign according to them. For making this an easier task for you all, we have scoured some wedding welcome sign ideas for you to check out. After reading this article, choosing a wedding welcome sign for your big day would be a piece of cake. Let’s dig in, shall we?

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1. The Shimmer

Let’s start with a glamorous idea for your wedding welcome sign. You can never go wrong with shimmer and sequence. Try a wedding welcome sign with golden shimmer engraved as the letters on the board. This whole glitz and glamour will definitely give a vintage Gatsby vibe to the guests and take them to a vintage-themed function.

2. Hand Painted Boards

Appreciating art is something you can do while selecting your wedding welcome sign. Try including the hand-painted canvases as your welcome sign if you are a fan of art and believe in minimalism. The biggest perk of having a hand-painted illustration in your wedding welcome sign ideas is that it can be customized according to your preference.

3. Funky Font

Everyone wants to stand out from the crowd and create a unique experience for the guests who have arrived at their wedding. This funky font idea in the list of wedding welcome sign ideas is definitely the one for you. Use fonts that are aesthetically funky and unusual, which will attract the guests with their unique appearance. Preferably include this on a white background to really emphasize the font.

4. The Chalkboard

Have you all seen the specials board in a restaurant or cafe, which is basically a blackboard with things written on it with chalk? Believe it or not, this is one of the most incredible ideas on the list of wedding welcome sign ideas. Customize a blackboard with a chunky frame to use as your wedding welcome sign. You can write cute captions on the board and welcome the guests to the wedding or the reception. 

5. A Glass Board

This can be considered a classic idea for a wedding welcome sign. A glass board was kept on an easel, and this is perfectly suitable for a sophisticated wedding and on a minimalistic theme.

You can choose how the font should be written on the glass because all kinds of writing will suit it since it is made of glass. However, acrylic writing would be preferable as it is unconventional yet classy.

6. Wooden Board

This is the oldest and most elegant entry in the wedding welcome sign ideas of all time. 

A wood board with a welcome note and the couple’s names engraved is a perfect match for those who want something traditional yet classy wedding welcome sign for their big day. You can also try painting the writing on a wooden board to give it a customized look.

7. The Tropical Beauty

Are you looking for something budget-friendly for the welcome sign at your wedding? Then this tropical beauty idea would just be the right fit. Create a circled or squared frame entirely made of leaves and green lush for a white block of the board, and it would just fit right into the minimal, lush green theme of your wedding. This can look mesmerizing in an outdoor setting like a garden or a backyard wedding.

8. The Flowery Welcome

Not a single wedding can be seen without some kind of floral arrangement. So then why not use that as the welcome sign for your wedding? Use your creativity to work around floral hoops and statement flowers to create a wedding welcome sign masterpiece. It could be a floral hoop on an easel or just adorning a vintage wood board with statement flowers. Everything involving flowers will automatically look refreshing.

9. The Barrel Stand

Are you a countryside lover? Then your wedding must be on a vintage countryside theme. 

Keep a wooden board with a welcome note next to a big wooden barrel, and this will just blend in with the countryside theme of your wedding. This idea in the wedding welcome sign ideas list is a rustic yet elegant addition to your wedding.

10. The Pampas Grass

Have you seen the pampas grass, which looks exactly like feathers? Then you would not think twice about this pampas feathered welcome signboard for your wedding. A glass sheet with a welcome note or even a plain whiteboard can look ecstatic with a pampas grass frame covering it. This instantly elevates the welcome board’s beauty and catches the guests’ attention in a second.

11. The Tapestry Masterpiece

You can always flaunt your love for art by experimenting with different art forms as wedding welcome signs. Using tapestry clothing is one of them. Print out a tapestry cloth according to your color and theme preference with the welcome note along with the couple’s name on it, and you can use it hanging or on a board at the entrance of your wedding venue.

12. Resin Boards

Have you ever come across resin boards where potpourri and flowers are ingrained inside them? This can actually be an idea for your wedding welcome sign. Customize your welcome note and engrave the note in the resin mixture, and on the wedding day, keep it on an easel, add character to the resin art, or keep it on a wooden barrel stand.

13. The Picture Memory Board

If you like to add a personalized touch to everything at your wedding, why not start with the wedding welcome sign itself? Curate a set of pictures you’ve taken with your partner and make cute polaroids out of them. Now hang them on string lights on a board with a welcome quote as the footnote of this creation. What better way to tell your love story to your guests?

14. The Light-Up Sign

If the wedding and the reception are set for a time in the evening or at night, you might want to keep a welcome sign that is most visible to the guests at your wedding. In this scenario, the LED light-up sign will act as your lifesaver. You can customize what you want to write on the welcome note, and the whole thing will be made out of LEDs. To keep it safe, it can be enclosed in a glass box just outside the entrance of your venue.

15. Mirror World 

Mirrors will never go out of fashion and will make it to the top of the list in wedding welcome signs. Choose a mirror of your preference and add the welcome note on it according to your choice. You can accessorize the mirror with embellishments or other statement decorations to make it look more classy and event-ready.

16. Simple Wooden Pellets

For an intimate wedding with a farm theme as the wedding style, writing on simple wooden pellets will do the job for you. You can attach these to a metal string or hang them near the entrance.

17. Gold Metal Frames

A golden touch instantly adds up to the drama and royalty you wish for at your wedding. Gold metal frames are the best way to get this on your wedding day.

18. Silver Metal Frames

Silver metal frames with silver-plated welcome signs attached can be used as a post hanging or even as a welcome board for your wedding. The best part about this is that they are very affordable but do not compromise on the quality. It is always on the top of the list of wedding welcome signs. 

14. Boho Vibes

Give your guests an experience of the beach and sand under your toes. That’s what a boho-themed wedding sign will do. Include only a whiteboard as an accessory, along with numerous seashells and beach-themed white plants. 

15. Wild Flowers Board

Add the flowers used for making the bouquet for your wedding to a plain whiteboard and the welcome note. This could perfectly blend in if your venue is meadow-like and in a green lush outside the barn.

16. A Guest Book Welcome Sign

The guests will all wish you well on your wedding day. So why not make them leave a heartfelt note for your married life? Keep a guest book welcome sign on your wedding entrance so that when guests arrive, they can leave little messages wishing you well for your life with your partner.

17. Marble Boards

If you like your welcome signs at your wedding just as extravagant as your wedding itself, then choose to have marble boards on the easel with welcome notes engraved on them.

18. Mesh Boards

Mesh boards are a prevalent but trendy addition to the list of wedding welcome sign ideas.

You can use any kind of mesh board, and the best part is that you can choose the shapes too. So if you want to customize it according to the theme, mesh boards are pretty flexible.

19. The Digital Prints

This is a modern-day idea for a wedding welcome design. You might have seen cards with digital illustrations of the couple getting married. Why not print this out and keep that digital art piece as your welcome signboard along with a hearty welcome note? A welcome sign cannot get more personalized than this.

20. Sign Boards

On a travel expedition, have you seen signboards guiding you in which direction to go? This could be a unique yet perfect wedding welcome sign idea. Create a wooden board with a rustic rod that says “Wedding This Way” with an arrow pointing to the venue’s direction.

21. The Doorway Welcome

Let’s add some drama to the wedding venue by creating a doorway welcome sign with floral hangings and a welcome sign on the top of the doorway. What is a wedding without drama and glam?

22. The Organza Glam

Clothing art as welcome signs at weddings is a rare sight to witness. So let’s go on a limb and create an organza knit welcome board with a welcome note embroidered on the organza material. This gives a personalized touch to the wedding, and you can also keep this as a souvenir in the future.

23. Vertical Welcome Signs

This could be a unique addition to the wedding welcome sign ideas list. This is a cute and quirky stand with “welcome” written on single wooden blocks and attached vertically. If you want your wedding to stand out from the normal ones, vertical welcome signs are the way to go.

24. Vibrant Painting

You can make your wedding more colourful than it is by including a board with vivid coloured paint splatters on it. You can get creative with the paint and give it a gradient shade to make it look more bold and beautiful.

25. Paper Banner Hangings

This is as light and eco-friendly as your welcome sign can get. Paper banners have made an entry into the wedding decor scene recently. Create a paper banner that can be used as a welcome board hanging at the entrance of your wedding venue. 

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